How to get blessed?

How to get blessed?
“Blessed” appears three times in Psalm 84, each time strongly expressing peace and contentment.  “Blessed” in verse 4 expresses the desire to participate in the pilgrimage to Jerusalem.  “Blessed” in verse 5 expresses determination to complete this journey.  The word “blessed” in verse 12 expresses confidence and satisfaction in God.  Jehovah blesses those who trust him without reservation, and he will surely bestow upon them the greatest benefit of all—the joy of worshiping before him forever.

Today, as children of God, where is our hometown and where is the home we will eventually return to? Not to mention the far away one, but the near one. We are busy here and there seven days and six days a week. It is the Lord’s Day, if we  If you are willing to worship this eternal God, you will be blessed! Because God will give us eternal life!”John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

The psalmist regards relying on God at all times as a blessing; thinking about the road to Zion in his heart as a blessing; and everyone going to Zion to meet God as a blessing.  As children of God today, what do we regard as blessings? We often say, “I love the Lord! I love God!” But what have we done for God? Our most important duty is to perform our duties on the days of worship.  If we don’t come to worship God, how can we say that we love the Lord Jesus Christ? May God have mercy on us! Keep our hearts so that we are willing to dedicate our hearts and love the Lord with all our hearts. We should start by worshiping and keep worshiping for the rest of our lives.  , this is a blessed road!

When we eagerly seek God, go to the temple to meet God, experience God’s abundant rain of grace, and see God’s beauty, our values will naturally change.  What I originally regarded as precious, what I had to risk my life to hold on to, is no longer important now. Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,

 New Year’s Day Thanksgiving Service
 blessing!  blessing!  blessing!
 Psalm 84:1-12






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