
今天是圣灰星期三(Ash Wednesday)。当我们思想基督的受苦和受死(以及我们自己的不配)时,神要我们记住,祂看我们的价值十分贵重,重得祂的独生子为我们而死。我们是宝贵的,神不会忘记我们。很多基督徒视这天为大斋节期的第一天,大斋节是一个反省和悔罪的时节,它引进将要来临的复活主日(复活节)。有些教会的传统做法,是把灰涂在人们的前额上,借此提醒我们犯的罪和基督为了救赎我们的牺牲Today is Ash Wednesday. As we think about Christ's suffering and death (and our own unworthiness), we are called to remember that we are worth the death of God's only Son. We are valuable, and God does not forget us.Many Christians mark this as the first day of Lent, a season of reflection and repentance leading up to Resurrection Sunday (Easter). In some church traditions a mark of ashes is placed on a person's forehead, as a reminder of sin and of Christ's sacrifice to save us.