
目前显示的是 九月, 2018的博文


约翰一书4:7-8 1.彼此相爱 *“彼此”是信靠耶稣基督的弟兄姐妹。 2.爱从神来 *接着祂的独生爱子耶稣基督。 *爱就是牺牲。 3.从神而生 *重生,生命由丑陋美好恢复过程(卫斯理约翰)。 4.认识神 *认识就是知道,学习和理解。 Are there sins in your life that need to be confessed to another person? Are you prepared to hear another person confess to you?We all share a devastating ailment: we remember the wrongs people do to us. Lots of other things we forget: for example, we head for the cupboard, and by the time we get there, we've forgotten what we were after. But if someone offends us or treats us unfairly, the event remains for years in our memory in graphic detail. We cannot forget, and as a result we can become exceedingly bitter. This is sick, sick, sick.It is not easy to forgive others when we have been wronged. But the power to forgive is rooted in God, who forgives us of all the ways we grieve Him. If we are going to take the Bible's "one another" commands seriously, joy and thankfulness ought to fill our hearts. Even in tough times we can be joyful and t